
Manometers are essential in biotechnology for accurately measuring and controlling pressure in various bioprocesses. Biotechnological applications range from fermentation processes to the production of biopharmaceutical products. The use of pressure gauges ensures that these processes take place under optimal conditions, which is crucial for the quality and efficiency of the results.

Pressure measurement

Measuring pressure is vital in biotechnological systems. In bioreactors and fermentation tanks, pressure must be precisely controlled to optimize the growth and activity of microorganisms. Depending on the specific application and required accuracy, you can choose between analog or digital manometers at EMVO Techniek. Factors such as pressure range, temperature, and chemical compatibility play a role in selecting the right pressure gauge. We can, of course, help you make the right choice!

Specific types of manometers for biotechnology

The choice of manometer is critical in biotechnological processes due to specific hygiene, safety, and accuracy requirements. Some features of suitable pressure gauges for this sector are:

  • Stainless steel: It is important to use stainless steel pressure gauges in biotechnological applications, due to their corrosion resistance and hygienic properties. Stainless steel is easy to clean and meets the strict hygiene standards required in biotechnology.
  • Blow-out device: A blow-out device ensures that the back of the pressure gauges opens under overpressure, providing explosion safety. This is important in processes where pressure fluctuations can occur, ensuring the safety of both personnel and equipment.
  • Glycerin filling: Glycerin filled manometers are more resistant to vibrations and pulsating pressures, which improves the accuracy and lifespan of the pressure gauge.

Application areas

Manometers in biotechnology are installed at strategic points in the system to monitor and regulate pressure. Think of supply and return lines of bioreactors, but also pressure regulators or critical control points in the system. Such strategic mounting ensures that operators and technicians can intervene in a timely manner in case of deviations, maintaining optimal process conditions at all times.

Safety and efficiency

Safety and efficiency are crucial in biotechnological processes. Maintaining the correct pressure prevents risks such as leaks, equipment damage, and potential health hazards. Reliable manometers are therefore indispensable to minimize these risks and ensure the continuity and quality of the process. Our pressure gauges offer the precision and reliability needed for demanding biotechnological applications.

Maintenance and calibration

Regular maintenance and calibration of manometers are necessary to ensure accurate measurements. At EMVO Techniek, we offer a fast and reliable calibration service, ensuring your equipment always meets the highest standards. We return your manometer, including a calibration report, within one or two working days.

Customized advice

Do you have any questions about which manometer best suits your biotechnological application? Contact us! With our extensive knowledge and over 40 years of experience, we are ready to advise you on the best solution for your specific needs. Call us at +31(0)413-473037 or email us at [email protected].

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